Monday, February 20, 2012


Since I spent all of yesterday grading, I'm in burnout mode and since I don't have class tomorrow and don't feel like doing anything productive tonight, I'm going to blog and bitch about things instead.

This first part is pure rampage. Don't read if you don't want to feel my semi-bitter wrath.
***End of post update. Turns out most of this post is kind of on the rampage side. It's my blog, I'll be a bitch if I want to :) ***

First, I want to bitch about drivers in this state. If I have interacted with you in the past seven-ish months of me living here, you know how much I hate drivers in this state. I mean really, I'm not the best driver in the world, but I also haven't been in an accident or gotten a ticket, parking or otherwise - I just knocked on my coffee table to be safe. So, I feel like I can be justified in my frustrations. Let me lay down a few basic, simple facts that drivers really should be aware of. 1. Don't drive with your brights on when there are other cars around. I understand you need to use your brights when you're in the country by yourself so you can see. However, I'm talking to you, douche in the pickup that followed me down 51 with your brights on the entire time. You don't leave them on when people are right in front of you. You blinded me for about 30 minutes. Not cool. 2. The left lane is for passing. Seriously. I can't count how many times I've had to pass someone on the right on the INTERSTATE. That's not ok. You are not supposed to drive in the left lane. You are especially not supposed to drive in the left lane slowly. 3. Stop tailgating. For one, I want to breakcheck you. For two, I can't pass the idiot in the left lane who thinks they can go 10 under the speed limit in that lane, so don't get mad at me because other drivers are stupid. For three, if I get over to let you pass, don't get behind me again and continue to tailgate me. Clearly, lady in the red van, you don't understand what passing is. 4. Go the speed limit. Speed limits on interstates down here are like 10-15 mph higher than they are in NE. Take advantage of that.

Driving rampage over.

It still freaks me out how much more I know I-35 than I ever knew I-80. It pains me to admit that! I also love the drive to Stillwater once you get off the interstate....if there aren't many cars around you can see sooooo many stars. It feels like I'm camping...except I'm driving. Whoops. But it takes me back to the days where I really wanted to be an astronomer or an astronaut. Before the idea of never-ending space and time started scaring the shit out of me, and before I heard the song "Major Tom" and had nightmares for months. Anyway, I still get excited when I can find the big or little dipper, or Orion's belt. And that drive brings it all back to me. Sometimes I still wonder what it would be like if I kept up on that dream...took more physics. Became more nerdy than I already am. Who knows? Weird.

So as evidenced by my previous posts, I've been thinking a lot about people. This is going to sound weird, but I'm really struggling with my problem with believing everyone is telling the truth. I'm really gullible, as I've said before...but I think I really believe that people have others' best interest at heart. I can't lie. I mean really, I can't lie. I get nervous, I giggle, people can see right through me. I wear my heart on my sleeve, even when I don't want to. Yes, it sucks when I don't want people to know things about me because I can't hide it, but honestly, it makes life easier because I don't have to hide behind stories. However, I'm learning people aren't like this. People don't always tell the truth. People actually kind of suck. People let you down...which I think really blows. I accept it, but that doesn't mean I like it. My problem is, how do I stop believing everything everyone says without abandoning my desire to give people the benefit of the doubt? Or do I just need to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt entirely? I don't know. People just need to be like me. Except that would be a terribly dramatic and whiney world, so maybe not.

This post is getting really angsty - not my intention - oops. On a brighter note, I think my toe is better. I can almost walk on it without limping, and I wore a real pair of shoes today. Maybe it wasn't was gross, but potentially not broken. So my streak of perfect boneage (that sounded incredibly slutty. My bad) may continue. Also excting, my birthday is in like two and a half weeks. Which is kind of fun.....potentially. Even more exciting is that I get to go home the week after that....probably looking forward to that more.

I really don't have anything exciting to talk about, this was more to waste time and procrastinate. But, the songs I really like this week are random. 1. Helena Beat, by Foster the People (yes, they have more songs than the one). I just can't get it out of my head. Also, 2. I am not a Whore, by LMFAO. Don't judge me, I just think it's hilarious. "I'm a human, not a sandwich." Brings me back to like sophomore year of college when Anne and I were obsessed with this song....losers :)

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