Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hi Ya'll

I've decided that my new goal in Oklahoma is to get a Southern accent. I've always loved them, and I will totally fit in if I get one. They are just so cute. Boys with southern accents are cuter. Girls with southern accents are cuter. I'm jealous. Maybe it'll be like Paris and they will think my "American" accent is cute? I doubt it, but until I can latch on to the southern drawl, it's all I've got to hope for! And it's now socially acceptable for me to say ya'll. I've been saying that for years anyway and I've been made fun of for just as long because no one in Omaha says ya'll, but everyone does down here! Maybe that means I'm heading in the right direction...

Also, I can't hate my upstairs neighbors any more (I say that and realize that I've probably just asked for it). I actually had to call on Friday night at 1am because they were playing LMFAO so loud that it was shaking my walls. I stepped outside and it sounded like they were playing it from a loudspeaker. And I understand it was a Friday, but really, be considerate. I don't know how none of the rest of the neighbors have said anything - well, I guess I don't know if they have or not - but nothing has happened. And it constantly sounds like they are moving furniture. I have a feeling it's something super lame, like they're playing their x-box all the time with the volume full blast. I may have to go to the landlord soon. It's literally all hours of the day and night. Kill me.

I'm getting really excited about the possibility of coming home soon....even for just a short time. I miss my family, and this whole being alone thing is harder than I anticipated. So fingers crossed that all works out and I don't have to change my plans (and that Thor doesn't break down...he's making some scary noises lately and I don't like it). I just want to be in Omaha. At least for a little bit.

I'm FINALLY almost done unpacking, like more throwing random shit in random boxes and shoving it in my closet. It feels good to have a floor again, and to have everything in its place. I really hate the mess, but I've been so busy doing dumb homework (that I should be doing right now) that being a normal human being has fallen by the wayside. Hopefully my next post can be pictures of my place!

I am currently obsessed with the song Please Don't Leave Quite Yet - Adam Agin....I should blare that so the losers upstairs can understand what I'm going through (except it's not really a blaring kind of song). I'll have to work on that :)

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